


Easypaisa payment is a Magento 2 extension that allows merchants to integrate with Easypay Online Payment System. Easypay Online Payment System is an e-payment solution that enables internet users to make transactions online. This extension can be easily integrated into any store.

There are two payment options in the extension. First one is, Over the Counter and second one is, Mobile account. In the first payment option, whenever a customer orders on the store. A token number is generated and sent to the mobile phone. Customer can use this token number to pay at over 75,000 EasyPaisa shops across Pakistan. In the second method, customer can use the token number to pay directly through their EasyPaisa account. The plugin contains the enablement of following two facilities that are provided by Easypay Online Payment System:

  1. Redirection Based Easypay Integration
  2. Support for IPN feature


With this payment extension, your store will have an access to more than 10 million customers with EasyPaisa Mobile Account. The fact that customers can pay with one of the most widely used payment method in Pakistan will result in more purchases.


  • Seamless integration of your online store with EasyPaisa API
  • Two different payment options for ease of the customers
  • Increase your customer base by bringing in clients from EasyPaisa platform
  • Compatible along with all other shipping methods
  • Data is highly secured and protected through built-in encryption


RLTSquare team assures to provide you all the support you require with fast responses for this extension. Moreover, we will also customize this extension for you to suit your specific needs. For support, contact us at <support@rltsquare.com>

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