Prime Minister Imran Khan has marked the beginning of Pakistan’s first e-commerce web portal. He addressed the E-commerce Pakistan Convention and announced a zero-tax policy for registered freelancers in the country.
“Since coming into power, I’ve repeated a sentence, Don’t get panicked – everyone knows about the crises in the country after our government came to power as we are going towards bankruptcy.”
He further said that many people associated with the IT sector became billionaires and the PTI paid special attention to that sector and the youth.
“Pakistan can achieve the target of IT exports worth Rs50 billion. Some sectors have also already achieved it and the IT export was increased up to Rs3.75 billion. We will remove hurdles in the growth of our youth and provide them facilities. We will take full advantage of the revolution of technology” [1].
“We had invited Bill Gates to visit Pakistan and we have sought his assistance for Pakistan’s IT sector. He had promised us to give good news soon.”
For the implementation of measures for the policy, the National e-Commerce Council will meet twice a year, form committees to oversee the implementation. These committees will oversee proper implementation of the Policy and, where necessary, will coordinate to resolve any matters among the provinces or between provinces and the Federation.
The policy is based on several policies and multiple targets to achieve the agenda. Those pillars and the main focus of this policy are:
e-Commerce Regulation and Facilitation
Financial Inclusion & Digitization through Payment Infrastructure Development
Consumer Protection
Taxation Structure
ICT Infrastructure & Telecom Services
Data Protection & Investment
Empowerment of youth & SMEs through Support Programs
Global Connectivity & Multilateral Negotiations
Desk, W. (2022, Feb 21). E-Tijarat: PM Imran Khan Inagurates Pakistan’s First E-Commerce Web Portal. Retrieved from ARY NEWS: